
Why is reality transforming ? ~ because it’s time, our Solar System has spiraled into a different sector of the Universe with a faster higher vibration oscillation of energy. We all began feeling this a few years ago through upgrades from Solar Flares as we talked about time speeding up ancient calendars  came to an end because they could not read the cosmic energy beyond 12/2012 as the current of energy was beyond their known space when they erected them.  As  a natural Intuitive receiving messages from Higher Consciousness since youth,  I’ve shared  profound  information in numerous groups during the 1980’s, then blog sites online groups since 1994. Today these messages are still shared but there are many new souls awakened sharing current awareness, so personal work is now private mentoring and Vibration Soul Healing Sessions for new self healers who are now students and teachers of the new paradigm. Presently as a Divine Polar Opposition Counterpart Twin Flame myself I’ve been incorporating natural Sacred Universal Law of Oneness with Mans Law  toward our new paradigm lifestyles. Also merging  mineral kingdom  essence healing applications to be applied with vibration healing as indicated through  Astrology connecting Natal, Progressed, Draconic Soul charts, and composite synergistic of polar opposition  Twin Flame charts .
We now know all facets of reality are energy in vibration and all is inner-active and inner-connected as per Einstein and Tesla.. It is our place as awakened beings to bring these new methods forward as we all become Self Healers fully aware of the unity of all creation and share them  with total acceptance of all through Unconditional Love from our heart as our species expands evolutionary cycle in ONENESS of ALL THAT IS.
aKuna Kumara ~~ is the universal  translation of my aura field in Higher Realms, my parents name me Sharon (Shar-on)

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One thought on “About

  1. I had wordpress a long time back. Have no clue what my password was or even what my account name was. Love the background on here! Backgrounds like this was not even an option way back when I remember using wordpress. Either it had none, or….I just never got around to figuring it out.


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